365 Days of Disney: Tangled

Well hello everyone! Welcome once again to another installment of my 365 days of Disney! This movie needs little introduction, so let’s jump right in!

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Tangled premiered at the El Capitan Theatre on November 14, 2010, and was later released to the general public on November 24. The production cost was estimated at around $260 million, making it the most expensive animated film ever made, as well as one of the most expensive moves OF ALL TIME. Luckily for Walt Disney Studios, the movie was an absolute blockbuster from audiences and critics alike, raking in over $500 million worldwide! Tangled is unique in the fact that it’s animation style combines 3D with traditional, while using non-photorealistic renderings to make the scenery and images feel more like a painting than real life (see Dinosaur for an example of photorealistic animation). The film was directed by Nathan Greno and Byron Howard, and the music by the legendary Alan Menken. The film was nominated for one Academy Award and two Golden Globes, though it didn’t win any of the nominations.

Tangled came out in the fall semester of my first year of college. I saw it with a group of friends from school, and remember loving it from day one. I ended up returning to the theater several times during its run to see it again and again because I thought it was so fun, adventurous, and hysterical. Though I’m a massive fan of The Princess and the Frog, Tangled was THE turning point for Walt Disney Studios. It was as if they got their gumption back, you know? There was a freshness to its style and wit. And above all, it boasted an animation style that would propel them to create some of their most successful films to date. It was a triumph on every level for the company, and a film that made a giant impact on the culture of Disney.

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I think one of the best qualities of Tangled is it’s inclusivity. Sure, there’s a princess in this movie, but it doesn’t feel like a PRINCESS movie. The wide range of characters allow viewers to connect to different personalities and experiences. Unlike most of the “princess” films before it, Tangled feels more like an action/adventure story with TWO main characters than it does a movie about a princess in a pickle.

Though critics were divided on this opinion, I think another awesome thing about it is the music! While I agree that it’s not Alan Menken’s best work (nothing will ever compare to the Renaissance), it still boasts some really catchy, Disney-essential songs. Tunes like “When Will My Life Begin,” “Mother Knows Best,” and “I See the Light” are tons of fun and ones that are easy to sing along to. I particularly love “Mother Knows Best” because, while it’s sung by the horrible Mother Gothel, it’s humorous, and really paints a picture of her personality.

Mother Gothel, similar to villains like Dr. Facilier, Gaston, and Judge Frollo, is a human villain. She has no magical power, no extraordinary, mystical aid to help her get what she wants. She’s simply a greedy, old lady that uses manipulation to keep Rapunzel under her thumb. As I’ve said time and time again, these villains are the worst kind because they represent humanity in a way that actually exists. 

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Image result for tangled mother gothel

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There are people in life that use their cunning and selfish natures to get what they want. They end up showing their true colors to prove that they were in it only to better themselves. In Rapunzel’s case, unfortunately, she didn’t know any better. She had an entire childhood being raised by this narcissistic woman who lied to earn her trust. The things she says to “tease” Rapunzel are words that should NEVER come out of a good mother’s mouth. “Look in that mirror. I see a strong, confident, beautiful young lady. Oh look, you’re here too.” That line gets under my skin every single time! Walt Disney Studios has a way of creating these conniving, awful villains that can be easily translated to real life, and that’s simply terrifying.

As I said before, I think Tangled really changed Walt Disney Studios. Not just because of the way they animated the film, but also because they implemented types of humor and story that they hadn’t before. This was the true beginning of a revival for the studio, and as we make it to our last lap of Disney films, you’ll see that come to life in features like Wreck-It Ralph, Frozen, Big Hero 6, and Moana. At the point we are in the timeline of their history, it’s as if they are at the very top of a roller coaster, and they’re about to tip down and have the ride of their lives. The films ahead are some of their most successful EVER. And if it weren’t for the originality and charm of Tangled, I’m not sure we would have these films to look forward to.

Well, that’s all I’ve got for you today! Next week we’ll be chatting about Winnie the Pooh and Wreck-It Ralph! I’m excited to compare the Winnie the Pooh films and see which one winds up being my preference! Until then, see ya real soon!

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